School Nurse

School nursing is a specialized practice of nursing, which protects and promotes student health, wellness, and disease prevention. Located in the school’s health office, the School Nurse combines health care and education, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success.

The School Nurse identifies health and emotional problems that may interfere in the student’s education, and then works with students, families, and staff to ensure all students are safe and ready to learn. Services include but are not limited to, preventive health by providing health education, health maintenance, health screening, necessary therapeutic intervention, and care of sick and injured students and staff. School nurses will assist parents and students in the management of health needs and the coordination of care in the home, school, and community.

Screenings shall be completed by the school nurse according to NJ State requirements N.J.A.C. 6A:16- 2.2(k). Screenings for height, weight and blood pressure shall be conducted annually for each student in preschool through grade 12. Auditory acuity shall be conducted annually for each student in the 1st and 2nd grade and visual screening in the 2nd grade. Should a concern arise as a result of a Health Screening, a Health Screening Referral will be sent home, so that you can follow up with your child's physician.

Questions or concerns, please call me at 201-862-6165