Sick Day Guidelines for Parents and Guardians

To maintain the health and well-being of your child and other students, keeping your child home for the following reasons are strongly advised:

  • Mild Respiratory Tract Illnesses: Most children will not need to be excluded unless accompanied by fever or behavioral changes. If the child has asthma, please monitor for asthmatic symptoms at home and keep the child home if he/she has breathing difficulties or received emergency treatments before school.

  • Diarrhea: A student should be kept home unless the student is known to have diarrhea from a documented medical condition. The student may return to school when symptoms resolve.

  • Fever: A student should be kept home if he/she has a temperature of 99.5 or higher or does not look well with a low grade fever. The student may return to school when signs and symptoms of illness have resolved and there has been no fever for 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication.

  • Rash: A student should be kept at home if the rash is accompanied with a fever, behavioral changes, or until a physician has determined that the rash is not a communicable disease. If the student is sent home due to a questionable rash, a doctor’s note may be required in order to return to school.

  • Vomiting: A student must be kept at home if there is active vomiting with or without fever, two or more times during a 24 hour period. At times vomiting can be caused by anxiety, crying, or coughing, which would not warrant exclusion from school.

Should you have any questions and/or concerns about whether your child should return to school after an illness, please contact your school nurse.

I need to stay home if...


Students arriving to school with crutches or a cast/brace MUST see the nurse and have a physician’s note stating the diagnosis and requirement for use of crutches in the school. The note should state the duration of time that the student must stay out of Physical Education and when to return.

The School Nurse is not allowed to excuse a student from Physical Education due to an illness without a Physician’s order.

Students with stitches must see the School Nurse before PE class. They will be excused from PE class until their stitches are removed.

The Englewood Board of Education has an accident policy for students injured while in school. If your child is hurt in school, the School Nurse will complete her part of the form. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to complete and submit the remaining parts of the form.

Injuries and physicals Education Excercises